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  • Self adhesive is a multi-layer composite structural material composed of backing paper, adhesive, and surface material. Due to its own characteristics, there are many factors that can affect the processing or use effect during the processing and use process.


  • Printing is the most basic and important processing technology in packaging and decoration. The elements of packaging Visual communication, carefully designed and arranged by the designer, must be realized through printing technology, and a large number of copies must be completed, so that the design can achieve perfect and true reproduction, face consumers, and realize the "dialogue" between products and consumers. There are various methods of packaging printing, and different methods result in different printing effects. Packaging printing methods can be divided into four categories: Letterpress printing, Planographic printing, intaglio printing and hole printing.


  • Packaging printing technology is a replication technology of graphic information, and printed materials are information carriers for disseminating scientific and cultural knowledge. Packaging printed matter is a carrier of text and images, a tool for information transmission, a medium for cultural dissemination, the replication of artworks, the way of beautifying packaging, the promotion of goods, and people's daily spiritual food and material foundation life. Packaging and printing have become an essential part of human life.


  • At present, there are two main detection technologies for the quality of color box printing: colorimetric method and density method. Among them, the density method is a process control mode that controls key links in the printing production process based on the thickness of the ink layer. The chromaticity method is a high-precision system control mode that controls color based on intuitive measurements of chromaticity or spectral reflectance, but requires comprehensive consideration of printing materials, application environments, and testing purposes for color box printing.


  • Today, Sinst Printing And Packaging tells you that in the packaging industry, the quality of paper directly affects the printing effect.


  • When purchasing products, we always consider the quality of the product. There are also many points that we need to check and pay attention to when it comes to the quality of the color box. Today, the printing editor of the district court will take a look at the factors that affect the quality of the color box. One of the factors that may lead to poor quality of the color box may not be well noted.


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