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  • When printing, we often hear some proper noun, such as "block printing" and "special printing" which often appear in the color box printing factory, which makes many friends feel very confused. So what are the differences between the two?


  • When printing a 4-color black or relatively dark background color in daily work, sometimes there may be issues with the background ink being too low or sticking, resulting in unqualified printing quality. If not discovered in a timely manner, the economic losses caused are irreparable, and if it involves issues such as customer delivery deadlines, it is even more maddening.


  • A handbag is a simple bag made of materials such as paper, plastic, and non-woven industrial cardboard. This type of product is usually used by manufacturers to store products; Some also display gifts when giving gifts; Many fashionable and avant-garde Westerners also use handbags as bag products to match other outfits, making them increasingly popular among young people. Handbags are also known as handbags, handbags, etc.


  • As of May 22, 2022, statistical data shows that with the continuous development of China, people's quality of life continues to improve. We often find that whether it is a major holiday such as the Spring Festival or Mid Autumn Festival, or a friend's birthday, we will send a gift to our relatives and friends to express our gratitude. However, we often spend some caution on gift packaging to make it sturdy and aesthetically pleasing.


  • Covering a transparent plastic film on printed paper products is called lamination. The production principle of lamination: The adhesive is first applied to the film through a roller coating device, and then heated by a hot pressing roller to soften the film. Then, the printed material coated with the substrate is pressed and pressed together with the film, forming a composite film product that combines the two.


  • The definition of paper moisture (moisture content) is the ratio of the reduced mass of the paper when dried to constant weight at a temperature of 100 to 150 ° C to the original mass of the sample, expressed as a percentage (%).


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